Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fascinating Fantasy

            Today’s financial markets are based on growth, specifically growth in consumer’s consumption of goods.  All of these goods in one way or another are dependent on natural resources, some more than others. If there is not growth in the economy (increase in amount of goods consumed) we are considered to be in a “recession”, which is not good. So my question is how can we constantly consume more, if the goods we are consuming are reliant on natural resources, which are finite? At what point to we simply not be able to keep up with the expectations of what we consider to be healthy growth in the economy? Is that the point we are at currently? I believe that we are currently stuck with too high of expectations of what healthy growth is. Or rather we should change our expectations of what is healthy growth in todays economy is. What if we changed the goals of what healthy growth was, or the way we measure the health of the economy? What if we changed the way we measure the health of the economy to the amount of innovation and new technologies that were produced in a year? Isn’t that what really matters today? We are all aware that the oil we use as fuel to power todays transportation systems will one day run out. Some day there will simply be no more oil to take out of the earth. So why don’t we measure the health of the economy on the amount of new technologies produced? I don’t know do you?

Please share your thoughts with me and the world